TESLA – Electa Energy https://www.electa.in Pvt Ltd Wed, 12 Oct 2022 08:40:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.6 https://www.electa.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-cropped-icon-32x32.png TESLA – Electa Energy https://www.electa.in 32 32 Tesla’s Indian Entry might start by Jan2021 https://www.electa.in/teslas-indian-entry-might-start-by-jan2021/ Tue, 13 Oct 2020 08:43:57 +0000 http://www.electa.in/?p=2990
Elon Musk on the event of Tesla Model3 release.

“Tesla motor’s most awaited Indian entry is on track” revealed CEO Elon Musk in twitter. The American electric car manufacturer will start the process to bring Tesla cars to India in January 2021, if all goes according to plan.

Elon’s tweet response to Tesla Club India on 12th October 2020

After October 2nd’s “next year for sure”, It’s second time Elon tweeted about inidan launch. Tesla had plans to launch its production plant in Bangalore (India’s silicon valley) and as per the news, Karnataka govt is working on it’s bid to have Tesla in their ground.

While the india has lot of startups and small EV manufacturers, A global giant like Tesla can accelerate the mass adoption of EV in india. It was only because of lack of charging infrastructure, India couldn’t switch to green energy transportation. While Indian middle class is dependent on public sector transport, two wheelers and budget cars, Tesla might come up with another affordable Electric car powered with LiFePO4 chemistry. The earlier announcement of Chinese manufacturer CATL and their famous 1Million Mile LiFePO4 cells, are going to energize indian auto Industry.

While tesla is busy in building their next GigaFactory in Germany, Tesla fans in India eagerly waiting for next announcement.

New patent for anode free lithium batteries, lasting one million mile batter from Tesla https://www.electa.in/new-patent-for-anode-free-lithium-batteries-lasting-one-million-mile-batter-from-tesla/ Mon, 13 Jul 2020 17:16:18 +0000 http://root.local/?p=2924 Tesla Motors Canada ULC published a patent, confirmed by Tesla CEO Elon Musk on the adaption of anode free lithium metal batteries. The license intended to bring forth energy sustainable and low-cost expense of battery cells for Tesla’s self-driving cars.

Jeff Dahn, who had been a leading researcher in lithium battery worldwide, came into agreement with Musk to work for the Silicon Valley Company. The motive was to build a lithium-ion pouched cell that could outperform the traditional technology battery.

These anode-free batteries are not merely rechargeable but have a remarkable energy consumption capacity and come at a lower cost compared to the existing Li-ion batteries. The absence of the anode also makes it convenient in the assemblage.
